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Questionnaire Averages | Beever Media

Questionnaire Averages

We created a questionnaire asking the public to answer questions on our film and their interests in films in general. One of the questions they answered about films was "What their favorite genre on film is?" the results were really helpful and positive for our film as we found that Romantic Comedy films were the most popular genre for our audience. Furthermore, the Comedy genre came in a close second which is another positive as our short film has elements of Romance and Comedy. From the results of our questionnaire we found that our short film attracted 54% of our audience by going by favorite genres only. 
Another question we posed for our audience was "What certificate do you believe is appropriate for our short film?" and the results were once again positive. The majority of the public voted that a PG certificate was the most appropriate along with a U and 12/12a being popular too. When we were planning our film we decided that a PG certificate was most appropriate for our film and 50% of our audience agreed.  

The next question we asked was "What genre do you believe our film is?" and each of their answers linked to the elements in our film giving us a positive result and an 100% agreement rate. The genre we chose as our short film's genre is a Rom/Com which 50% agreed with, in addition to this Romantic Comedy is the subgenre of both Romance and Comedy and 40% voted Romance genre and 10% comedy giving us a highly successful result as 100% of our audience chose a suitable genre that either agrees with our genre or at least links to the elements of romance and comedy in our film. 
We asked our audience where they usually watch films to which the option DVD was the most popular, however Cinema and Online Subscription came close in second meaning that if we were to successfully export our Short film and excel in profits we would need it to be viewed at the cinema and then brought out onto DVD or at least upload it onto an online film viewing platform such as Netflix or NOW TV for our audience to enjoy our film.

We also asked our audience how many films they watch a week and 90% of the audience answered between 0-2 and 3-5 (each option getting 45% of the vote). These numbers are positive as it meant that our audience tend to watch almost have a dozen films week meaning that our Short Film could be viewed to a wide audience providing we still obtained positive feedback from our audience and we released into onto a platform and/or onto DVD so that they can view it freely and frequently.
Due to our piece of media being a Short Film we felt it was important to ask our audience whether they watch short films to which 64% answered yes giving us a good and relatively large audience for our short film. This positive feedback gave us hope that our short film was then open to a wide audience and had potential to generate a good profit and gross.

Following on from our previous question, knowing that the majority of our audience do watch short films we wanted to know whether they'd watch our film. This was another positive result as 81% of our audience answered yes meaning that our short film attracted the majority of our audience and they were gripped to the storyline. The 81% of our audience would allow our film to generate a good overall profit and gross and successfully attracted our target audience.

Another question we asked our audience was what music do you expect to hear in our film to which the popular replies were; love songs and happy, feel good music. Other suggestions were sad songs and modern day music/songs, all of our audience's suggestions were similar to our ideas for the music that we were going to incorporate. This therefore was a positive result as we had ideas that attracted our audience and were similar to our audience meaning that we would benefit from a good profit and overall gross.
Similar to the previous question, we asked our audience what settings they would expect to see in our film from reading our basic summary of the plot. The audience gave us answers that all would be incorporated into our film which means that our film was successful in conveying a clear plot and image. The majority of the audience picked out the main settings for the plot of our film which further evidences how our questionnaire was successful and how the summary of our plot was clear so that the audience could gain a clear understanding and image of what our film would look like.
Another question we asked was what iconography did our audience expect to see in our film from reading our plot summary. This once more proved that our summary gave a clear plot and image of our film as well as some suggestions portraying that we had a clear genre as well. The audience mainly voted "post-it notes" or "notes as the answer for what props they'd expect meaning that our plot was clear and the theme and image we were creating was portrayed through our summary and was seen by our audience.
The final question in our questionnaire was what type of audience did they think our film attracted which was a very crucial question in the questionnaire as it would suggest how successful our film would be and how clear it is; fortunately we had a positive result from the answers. We were aiming for teens and families which were the most common answers, other answers they gave were taken positively as well as gave us a wider audience which ultimately results in a higher gross and popularity. Our questionnaire heavily received positive results giving us positive feedback on our film that it was clear and understandable and attracted the majority of our audience and ultimately our target audience.  
