A short film is a motion picture film that is not long enough to be classed as a feature film. According to The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences a short film has a running time of 40 minutes or less (this is including the credits sequence). Short films are usually showcased online or screened at regional, national or international film festivals and are usually made by an independent director with little to no budget. Its common for short films to receive funding from a sponsor or non profit organisation.
Narration Narration is the act of telling a story as well as the flow of story information moment by moment over the course of a film. Unrestricted Narration (Omniscient) Unrestricted narration has no restrictions to every aspect of the film. It tells and shows the audience everything whilst the characters in the film remain oblivious to the narration. The viewer knows more than the characters. An example of an unrestricted narrative in a film is His Girl Friday by Howard Hawks (1940). The film shows different characters and scenes. The audience acquires more knowledge about the characters whilst the characters don't know much. The audience knows how Walter schemes to get Bruce in trouble but in the film Bruce is unaware of Walter's actions. Restricted Narration A restricted narration limits the amount of information that the audience receives. The audience will only receive information through the narration of a single character. This biases the audience towards on...
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