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Analysis of a Radio Trailer | Kiera Tolhurst

Film Radio Spots 2013 - Gravity, Pacific Rim, The Conjuring & The Great Gatsby from Angell Sound Studios on Vimeo.


The radio trailer begins with dialogue from the film. The first line is "Mr Gatsby" "I'd like to know... exactly who are you anyhow." This line is significantly placed at the beginning of the radio trailer as it directly links to the focus of the film - The character and the journey of Gatsby. The dialogue is spoken with an American accent, and the sentence "exactly who are you anyhow" has an upper-class, well-spoken tone. This relates to another theme of the film which is wealth and upper class civilisation in America. There is no non-diegetic sounds of music while this dialogue is said, however as soon as the first sentence ends the sound of Beyoncé's soundtrack for the film begins to play. Adding music from the film is effective and building up a certain mood, relating back to the film, which helps to indicate the genre of the film. In this instance, the song playing is smooth, romantic, slow and possibly quite dramatic which relates to themes of romance and drama in the film. Also, this entices a particular audience as the sounds of Beyoncé's voice in 'The Great Gatsby's soundtrack may attract her fan-base who are then eager to watch the film with Beyoncé's role in it.
As the music begins to play, the voiceover of an American male sounds over the music. His voice is empathised and clearly louder than the sounds of Beyoncé, as he states the words "The Great Gatsby". This introduction to the film trailer is clean and straight-forward, which immediately gives the listener an indicator on the title of the film within the first couple of seconds; making them interested from the very beginning. The voiceover then begins to state other famous artists who have been exclusively included in the soundtrack. "Featuring music from Jay Z, Beyoncé, Lana Del Ray and Florence and the Machine." draws in fan-bases from four different genres of music. With sounds of rap, indie rock, R'N'B and tragic romance, the music is versatile and suits a range of audiences. As he states this, the music changes. "Young and Beautiful" by Lana del Ray starts to, she sings "Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful?" This particular line is significant to the film as it relates to the theme of love and passion; which are constantly present in the film. Lana del Ray has a hint of melancholy in her voice, which already gives a particular tone to the film - making it clear it is not centred around comedy and humour but something more dramatic and serious than that.
As this line of the song plays, the sound of the voiceover returns saying, "Click the banner to experience the world of Gatsby". This initially indicates to a certain aura surrounding Gatbsy, by the words "the world of Gatsby" the creation of this large, fabulous figure is suggested which entices the listener and makes them want to know more about this character. This also suggests the film could be focal to following Gatsby and his life events. The music continues to play.
As the voiceover cuts, the sounds of the character "Nick Carraway" plays; with diegetic dialogue taken directly from the film. He says "Gatsby... no amount of fire could challenge the fairy-tale he had stored up in his heart." This sentence is clearly drawn from the film as it has the tone of American upper-class present in the beginning of the trailer. Also, it seems the character has some sort of connection and attachment to Gatsby, which further develops a sense of ambiguity and wonder around this character. We have not yet heard anything from Gatsby himself in the trailer, which makes him seem particularly mysterious. The link to Gatsby's "heart" relates to the conventions of romance, which conveys further themes of the film. This line is significantly chosen in the film trailer as it summarizes the film particularly well, without giving away any specific details. Nick suggests themes of love, fantasy, dream and hope in Gatsby's life are challenged by obstacles such as "fire". However Gatsby is perceived as persistent and determined as this obstacles do not deter him. We wonder, as listeners, what this "fairy-tale" in Gatsby's heart entails and why it is challenged.
The dramatic contrast in music then follows; as the sounds of "Florence and Machine"'s thrilling voice is heard on it's own at a higher volume, for around a second or two. Her voice is high-pitched, fast-paced and sounds theatrical and dramatic, which creates a definite sense of drama, tragedy and calamity as the events unfold in the film. Then, the music quietens slightly and the voiceover is heard saying "Leonardo DiCaprio". This clearly relates to the presence of the extremely well-known actor in the film, which clearly draws in his fan-base. We also wonder at this point, if he plays Gatsby, as we still have no notions or words from the character himself in the trailer. Nick's voice returns to say, "But I had the uneasy feeling he was guarding secrets." This reminds us that the character of 'Gatsby' offers mystery and secrecy which may be the focal plot device in the film.
Nick's voice cuts back to the voiceover, which continues to play alongside the music, to say, "From the visionary director of Romeo and Juliet and Moulin Rouge, In cinemas MAY 16". This gives the audience more information onto the film which may persuade them to go and watch. The relation to the distribution date in cinemas is importantly placed at the end of the trailer, as it allows the audience to appeal to the film first throughout the beginning of the trailer, so, if they enjoy the sound of the film, they can make a note of when they can go to watch it at the end.


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