Jet by Jordan Chesney (2013)
The sound is this film also reflects the main characters feelings. Whilst the male is sat in his car, diegetic sound can be heard. A car races down the street. Sound effects like this one are the only pieces of diegetic sound that can be heard throughout the short-film as dialogue isn't used. Trees swaying in the wind, dogs barking and a gun can all be heard during the first scene of the short-film. It shows that whilst the man is having suicidal thoughts, life is continuing to go on around him. This makes the audience feel sympathetic towards the man whilst also making them wonder what happened in order for him to get to this point in his life. Furthermore, non diegetic sound and incidental music are used. The music used has drums dominating it, this sounds like a heart beat which relates to what is happening in the scene. Violins and trumpets further build up the music into a crescendo. Once the music reaches the crescendo the screen goes black.
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